Biotech Innovations... a spinoff company of the University of Malta
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Biotech Innovations present at Medlab (Dubai 2019)
If you are (1) a diagnostic laboratory providing clinical diagnostic services; (2) an academic institution studying solid tumours; (3) an academic looking for contract research; or (4) want to develop a test on a Luminex platform, digital PCR or real time PCR, TALK to us or send us an email on and we will Read more about Biotech Innovations present at Medlab (Dubai 2019)[…]
Innoplex Dx
The lack of fresh frozen tissue specimens and degradation of nucleic acids in archival tissue, as well as tumour heterogeneity, negatively impact cancer diagnostic services in pathology laboratories worldwide. Gene amplification and expression diagnostic testing using archival material or material that requires transportation to servicing laboratories, needs a more robust and accurate test adapted to Read more about Innoplex Dx[…]
Research in Liquid Biopsies
Liquid biopsy could revolutionise the way patients suffering from certain cancers are treated. Here, PhD student JEANESSE SCERRI explains how.
Biotech Innovations Limited – TradeMalta
Biotech Innovations is a spin off of the University of Malta, set up in 2016, and is based at the Biomedical Sciences building. The company’s mission is to develop new testing protocols that address current gaps in oncology testing and then offer these new tests as a service. Biotech Innovations Ltd is a research and Read more about Biotech Innovations Limited – TradeMalta[…]
Biotech Innovations expands facility
The diagnostic service facilities were upgraded with digital PCR technology, Luminex Flexmap technology, immunohistochemistry, digital slide imaging, MiSEQ Illumina platform, and other platforms are coming soon…
World Cancer day (Feb 2017)
Today is World Cancer Day: Fresh findings set new hope to predict and fight cancer
Webinar: Multiplexing
WEBINAR: The power of multiplexing and applications of the QuantiGene Plex Assay in oncology research and diagnostics
A new Era for Breast Cancer treatment
The Breast Cancer Research Team at the University of Malta is headed by Professor Godfrey Grech and Professor Christian Scerri and supported by post-docs Dr Christian Saliba and Dr Shawn Baldacchino.
CSO wins Luminex-Jove Award
Multiplex Test Reveals Molecular Subtypes of Breast CancerSeptember 18th, 2018 / Luminex Video protocol shows how to get robust results even from FFPE and other challenging samples
CSO hosts EPMA Congress
The European Association of Preventive, Predictive & Personalised medicine was founded in 2009 to cover particular deficits in medical sciences and healthcare. The main objective of the EPMA is to promote the paradigm change from delayed reactive medical services to evidence-based Predictive, Preventive & Personalised Medicine (PPPM) as an integrated science and healthcare practice.